(Version française ci-dessous) I was looking for a quick bread recipe to have with Soup aux gourganes and homemade vegan cheeses. Gourganes are on special at Adonis again this week. My mom reminded me of an old bread recipe she had found in a magazine years ago. So, I did a little research, and put this recipe together.

I used a blend of flours: Red fife, sprouted red fife, white red fife, spelt and a bit of quinoa four. I’ve since made it with half and half white Red Fife and whole Red Fife flour. So good!  I used an organic oatmeal stout from a local microbrewery… full flavoured! You don’t want a light beer for this. I guess it doesn’t get any more Quebecois than this! 🙂


3 cups flour (mixed)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
12 oz (341 ml) beer, 1 1/2 cups
Optional seasonings: 1 teaspoon onion powder, ½ teaspoon dried basil, rosemary, oregano, Parmesan cheese, sesame seeds, salt or steak spice to sprinkle over top.


Preheat oven to 375°.
Combine dry ingredients in bowl; mix well.
Add beer to dry ingredients; stir only to mix. Mixture will be lumpy.
Pour into greased loaf pan.
Add topping, if using.
Bake 35–40 minutes.



3 tasses de farine
1 cuillère à table de poudre à pâte
1 cuillère à thé de sel
1 cuillère à table de sucre
1 cuillère à thé de moutarde sèche
12 oz (341 ml) de bière
Assaisonnements optionnels :
1 cuillère à thé poudre d’oignon
½ cuillère à thé de basilic séché, romarin, origan
Garniture: fromage parmesan, graines de sésame, ou sel

Préchauffez le four à 375°.
Combiner les ingrédients secs dans un bol; bien mélanger.
Ajouter la bière aux ingrédients secs; remuer seulement pour mélanger. Le mélange sera grumeleux.
Verser dans un moule à pain graissé.
Ajoutez la garniture, si vous utilisez.
Cuire au four de 35 à 40 minutes.

Bonne appétit !

Beer Bread/Pain à la bière
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