Last week I spotted something new on the shelf at Costco, which tends to happen often these days, so going to Costco has become an adventure! The minute I saw Organic Matcha powder, I knew I had to buy it… well, not quite, I hesitated, it’s not cheap, then I turned around and grabbed a tin. Once it was in my shopping cart, recipe ideas started to flood my imagination… and my taste buds started working. I used to love green tea ice cream, but my stomach didn’t like it as much as my taste buds did.
So, once I arrived at home, I went on a hunt for a good, simple recipe. Since my favourite snack was fruit and nut energy bites, it wasn’t difficult to come up with a recipe that would highlight the delicate flavour of Matcha. So, here it is, my new absolute favourite snack! I recommend clearing your palate before taking a bite. The flavour will explode throughout your mouth. I’m not kidding!
1 cup cashews
1 cup dates, pitted, chopped
¼ cup oat flour
½ cup shredded coconut
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon Matcha powder
Measure ingredients into food processor bowl.
Process until smooth.
Pack into silicone mini muffin pan.
Refrigerate a couple of hours until firm. Once cold, they pop out easily.
If offering them as gifts, they can be placed in mini muffin paper cups.