As you may already be aware, the start of a new month brings with it the start of a new short term trend, as indicated by your Personal Month number. September is much more than back-to-school time! Your Personal Month number for September is the same as your Personal Year number. For example, if you are in a number 2 year, September is a number 2 month. The 9th month of the year is significant in that it gives you a final chance to capitalize on your trends for the year.

1 Personal Month/Year This is a time of new beginnings, filled with enthusiasm and renewed energy. It is the ideal time to make adjustments to outdated areas of life, especially if events in the past have lead to loss of direction. This month could mark significant progress as your new 9-year cycle shifts into gear. This is the time to break free and let go of old ways of doing things. Embrace change and new beginnings!

2 Personal Month/Year Personal and business partnerships typically come to the fore in a 2 Personal Month. This is a time for cooperation, teamwork and receptivity. A certain amount of flexibility is required as new projects begun last month begin to take shape. Discernment and patience are required. This is a great month to plan a wedding, or family event; get out there, meet people, join a special-interest group or club, host a dinner party!

3 Personal Month/Year Energy explodes, possibilities abound, and what seemed a bit slow to get off the ground and tentative, now begins to bubble to the surface. New projects and ideas that emerged over the past few months are seeking expression. There can be much social activity, optimism and luck now. This can be a great time to express your creativity. This is a good party month. Keep an eye on your expenses, but remember to have fun!

4 Personal Month/Year Attend to the details and responsibilities of home, family and work this month. This is probably not the best month to plan a vacation, unless you’re planning on camping, and having to attend to a lot of details. It is a great time for home renovations though. Take care of health matters and spend time with family. Take time for your body, try a new diet, start a workout routine.

5 Personal Month/Year Your routine can get a serious shaking up in this 5 Personal Month. Hopefully you took care of business the previous month, a 4, and so you should now be free to travel, experiment, innovate and expand your horizons. You could be attracted to new experiences or adventures. This is a great month for marketing and promotion. Much growth is possible now, so don’t let the “old” tie you down.

6 Personal Month/Year The focus is on family and home life, and in particular, on all responsibilities for others, whether at home, in the community or in the workplace. This is a time for balance, peacefulness and service to others. This can be a happy time for love and relationships. A great month for marriage. A time for consolidating relationships. It is also a very good time to incorporate some form of meditation or yoga, a peaceful, balancing practice, into your life, something that can help you release and allow Life to flow freely.

7 Personal Month/Year This is a period of temporary withdrawal from the hustle and bustle of worldly and material existence. You feel the need to take time out, gather up inner strength and be better prepared to go all out in the big 8 Personal Year coming soon! This would be the ideal time for a yoga retreat. Even a spa weekend, long walks in woods, or time spent in the garden. Any form of quiet, solitary activity can be helpful. Remember to avoid over-analyzing situations; simply be quiet, allow resolutions to come to you.

8 Personal Month/Year This is a busy time for business, career, and money. If you need to do any long-term planning, where vision is required, this is the month. An excellent time for career, professional, business and financial activities and projects, and for that reason not the best time for a family vacation, unless you are planning an extravagant trip! Maximize your professional/business efforts and bring it home this month!

9 Personal Month/Year This month you will want to take the time to wrap up projects that you’ve been working on for several months. You may even want to wrap up bits and pieces of larger projects, those projects that can take years. A sense of completion can be very rewarding, indicating that progress has been made. You may be feeling tired, and that’s perfectly normal, so take some time off, rest and don’t push too hard. New opportunities are just around the corner in your 1 Personal Year.

Calculations: To find out your Personal Month number for any given month, add your Personal Year number to the calendar month number. For example, if your Personal Year number for the year is 1, to obtain your Personal Month number for January (1st month) you would add 1 (personal year number) plus 1 (January), for a result of 2. Your Personal Month number for January would be 2. Another example. If your Personal Year number is 7, March (3rd month) would be a 1 Personal Month. Again, if you’re Personal Year number is 5, in June (6th month) your Personal Month number would be 2 (5 + 6 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2).

September: More than just Back to School
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2 thoughts on “September: More than just Back to School

  • September 5, 2024 at 3:08 pm

    Thank you Pauline. Hope you have a wonderful month! Love and Peace

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