There is a shift taking place in the world today as many souls are seeking release from far too long a time spent in obscurity and ignorance. Is there more to be experienced, we ask? What is the meaning of existence? How is the healing of humanity even possible in this time of confusion and chaos? A Course in Miracles has provided answers to these and many more questions. Although this is the fifth book in which the author shares her journey with the teachings of A Course in Miracles, it is not necessary to have read the previous four books, nor even be familiar with the Course to appreciate its message. If this book has called to you and you wish to skip over the first four in the series, by all means, jump right in. Nowhere does it say that everyone must get on the train at the same station; you get on the train at the stop nearest you. Only the destination—awakening—is the same for everyone. The Healing of Humanity was a finalist in the 12th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards!

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In her newest book, The Healing of Humanity, Pauline manages, only as she can, to deliver much needed material, that can at times be rather difficult to digest, in a down-to-earth, simple, practical manner. Thank you Pauline for assisting humanity—our fellow brothers and sisters—in the unfolding of our awakening.
—Helena Basso

What has always drawn me to Pauline and her work with the Course has been her unwavering persistence and consistency, which is on full display in this wonderful book. You will find much here that can help and heal you, if you let it, from clarity on relationships and the body to the basic story of humanity and our eventual return to sanity. Dive into this book, if you dare; you won’t be disappointed!
—Michael Miller

This is the first book I’ve read that immediately after finishing, I started reading again. I love the book and it has given me a lot of material to digest. I am also starting to familiarize myself with the Raj material and downloaded “Graduation, The End of Illusions”. Thank you so very much. I have loved all your books. Namaste.
—Gene Leone